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Frequent asked questions about Manufacturese could be found here. Contact us if you cannot find your right answers.

Manufacturese is a purely B2B platform that aim to help businesses find their trading partner by providing quality verified information and classification on PEOPLE and PROCESS. Instead of finding a product, buyer can identify and connect with capable supplier in person. This is especially meaningful for certain sourcing occasions:

  • Buyer who is entering a new industry and prefer to friendly talk to capable supplier intelligently
  • Buyer who want to deal with factory people directly
  • OEM buyer whose has their own product idea and looking for factory to mass produce it.
  • Distributor who is looking for well ready marketed/ branded product to resell/ drop-ship in his/her region.
  • Buyer who know the name of a supplier and would like to connect with their in-house people
  • Buyer who want to understand better a person background from a new supplier
For sellers, Manufacturese also provide a friendly, unbiased environment and opportunity to promote their own experience, product and service.
Anyone in the manufacturing and trading sector can register as a service provider that serve another manufacturese member for business related function. For example an European salesperson could register and provide sales service to an Asian manufacturese for the European market.

While Alibaba focus on off-shelf products and Linkedin cover general business connection, Manufacturese born to fill in the gap for the manufacturing and trading community.

When you already have a product that you want to source for, you go to Alibaba (or similar B2B platform). However, not all sourcing activity start and end with product. For certain circumstances, you prefer to look for a supplier in person, instead of a product. Manufacturese serves this purpose.

Despite Linkedin provide large pool of business connection of all industry, they are a social media in nature and is not a marketplace for sourcing. Manufacturese focus solely in the trade and manufacturing sector with information classification tailored.

Lying between these industrial giants, Manufacturese focus on our parts precisely and attentively.

Manufacturese provide trustworthy, verified fact-based information to all users free of charge. As a self-financed private business, we provide different solution to users who would like to better market and organize their information effectively to other users. Please contact us for more details.

Manufacturese started from a trusted, close inner circle of manufacturers and exporters who know each other for years. A bit similar to the story of Facebook, we start from a database that is for internal reference only. When traders get sourcing request from their customers, they know where they can find related product and, more importantly, who to talk to. Each person in the group represent an expertise of his/her industry and naturally able to supply the product, together with the knowledge of doing this business. No matter an order is granted or not, the member of the group help each other for good will.

Two core values are identified from the experience: trust and professional. Although it might be not easy to know everyone from the database in person as we expand, we employ KYC (Know-your-customer) verification to make sure information are trustworthy. Verification play a big part of us, and you can read more by check on the badge they got to know.